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LibreCAD v2.2.0 - User Manual

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Warehouse Full Lighting and Power Layout CAD Template DWG Download Link. November 28, 2020 Off Tower Crane Foundation Details CAD Template DWG By cadengineer. LibreCAD is a software application that provides users with a free and simple method of designing CAD drawings, import and export items, and take advantage of the integrated templates. User-friendly environment The installation process runs quite smoothly, yet if you are interested in bypassing this process altogether, you should know that a. Librecad Templates Download Librecad 2 1 3 Free Download is related to General Templates. If you looking for Librecad Templates Download Librecad 2 1 3 Free Download and you feel this is useful, you must share this image to your friends. We also hope this image of Librecad Templates Download Librecad 2 1 3 Free Download can be useful for you. We will always give new source of image for you.

This is aninterim releaseof the of theLibreCAD User Manualand is subject to change.

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The manual is based on LibreCAD v2.2.0-rc1 with a few additions. If you are using another version of LibreCAD, your mileage may vary.


Most of LibreCAD’s commands are accessible through the menu bar. Drop-down menus provides access to file and print operations, application and drawing configurations, drawing and editing tools, and other functions.

The drop-down menus can be changed into a floating menu. Each drop-down menu has a dashed line at the top. Clicking and dragging the dashed line allows the menu to be “torn off” and moved to another location anywhere on-screen. Clicking the dot on the upper right corner of the floating menu closes it.


Menu ItemIconShort-cutDescription
New[Ctrl]+nCreates a new drawing file.
New from TemplateCreates a new drawing file from a template. See Templates in User Guides for details.
Open[Ctrl]+oOpen existing drawing file.
Save[Ctrl]+sSave current drawing file.
Save as[Ctrl] [Shift]+sSave current drawing file to a different location or with a new file name.
ImportImport a block, or bit mapped or vector images into the current drawing. Supported bit mapped formats include: bmp, cur, gif, ico, jpeg, pbm, pgm, png, ppm, xbm, and xpm. Vector images supported include svg, and svgz.
ExportExport the current drawing as a CAM, pdf or image file. Supported bitmapped formats include: cur, jpeg, pbm, pgm, png, ppm, bmp, ico, xbm, and xpm. Vector images supported include svg, and svgz. Use the ‘’CAM’’ export to save SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) suitable for MakerCAM, EleskCAM, LaserWeb, 

Print[Ctrl]+pProduce output of the current drawing. See Printing in the User Guides section.
Print PreviewView output on screen of the current drawing.
Close[Ctrl]+wClose the active drawing.
Quit[Ctrl]+qClose the application.
Recent FilesOpen existing drawing file from a list of previously opened drawing files.


Menu ItemIconShort-cutDescription
Application PreferencesSee Application Preferences in Getting Started for details.
Current Drawing PreferencesSee Drawing Preferences for details.
Widget OptionsSee Widget Options for in Customizing details.
Device OptionsSelect input device: mouse, tablet, trackpad or touchscreen.
Reload Style Sheet[Ctrl]+tSee Style Sheets in Customizing for details.


Menu ItemIconShort-cut / CommandDescription
Selection Pointer[Esc] / k, killReverts from current operation to the selection pointer (e.g. cancels the current operation)
Undo[Ctrl]+z / u, undo, ooSequentially reverses the previous operations.
Redo[Ctrl]+[Shift]+z / r, redo, uuSequentially reverses the previously reversed operations.
Cut[Ctrl]+xRemoves the selected entity (or entities) and places it in temporary memory, e.g. ‘’clipboard’’ for later recall. A reference point needs to be placed for subsequent paste operations.
Copy[Ctrl]+cCreates a copy of the selected entity (or entities) in temporary memory to be recalled. A reference point needs to be placed for subsequent paste operations.
Paste[Ctrl]+vRecalls the entity (or entities) from temporary memory and place it at a location defined by a reference point.
Delete Selected[Del]Removes the selected entity (or entities) from the current drawing.


Menu ItemIconShort-cut / CommandDescription
Fullscreen[F11]Hides the application title bar and toggles LibreCAD to use the entire display.
Statusbar[Ctrl]+[I]Toggles the visibility of the status bar at the bottom of the application window.
Grid[Ctrl]+[G]Toggles the visibility of the grid.
Draft[Ctrl]+[D]Toggles to or from ‘’Draft Mode’‘. Draft mode displays hatches as invisible, and only displays bounding boxes for images and text. Drawings will display faster, particularly on slow computers.
Redraw[Ctrl]+[R] / zr, rg, regen, redrawRefreshes the view of the current drawing.
Zoom In[Ctrl]+[+]Increase view of drawing by 25% increments.
Zoom Out[Ctrl]+[-]Decrease view of drawing by 20% increments.
Auto ZoomzaResize the view of the drawing to fill the drawing window.
Previous ViewzvRevert to the previous zoom level of the drawing.
Window ZoomzwIncrease the view of the selected area to fill the drawing window.
Zoom PanningzpMove the view of the drawing in the window.


Menu ItemIconShort-cutDescription
AlignAlign selected entities to a reference by defining the final positions of 2 initial points.
Read ascii pointsRead points from a text file. Each line of the file is a point defined by an ID, X coordinate, Y coordinate, Z coordinate and an optional code. Each field can be separated by a comma, a tab or a space. The decimal separator is the point (.). The points can be connected with a line, ID, or coordinate and code fields can be plotted as text.
DivideDivide a line or a circle with n sections. A tick can be located at the limit of each section to show each limit. The size of this tick can be defined as a percentage of the segment length. The line or the circle can be broken at the limit of each section using Divide tool.
Gear pluginDraw a gear by selecting the center of gear and defining parameters such as number of teeth, modulus, etc.
ESRI ShapefileImport GIS geospatial vector data shapefile (i.e. maps). Warning: The import process will lock LibreCAD until it is complete and large files can be very time consuming.
List entitiesList the selected entities along with their properties such as ID, layer, color, line type, line thickness, coordinates.
Read PIC fileImport Pic graphics language diagrams.
Plot pluginPlot a mathematical function or a parametric function using the drawing coordinate system. The formula, start value, end value and step value are required. The plot can be lines, a polyline or a spline.
Same propertiesApply the properties of a reference entity to selected entities. The modified properties are layer, color, line type and line thickness.
Sample pluginDraw a line by specifying the X and Y coordinates of end points.


See Drawing Tools for a description of the drawing tools.


Menu ItemIconShort-cutDescription
Dock AreasToggles the visibility of the left, right, top, bottom and /or floating Dock Widgets.
Dock WidgetsSee Dock Widgets for descriptions.
ToolbarsToggles the visibility of the toolbars.
Menu CreatorCreate custom menus. See Menu Creator in Getting Started for details.
Toolbar CreatorCreate custom toolbars. See Toolbar Creator in Getting Started for details.


Menu ItemIconShort-cutDescription
Tab modeWhen selected, each open drawing is in its own tabbed drawing or preview window. Tabbed windows cannot be moved, resized or arranged with in the LibreCAD application window. The selected tab is the active window.
Window modeWhen selected, each open drawing is in its own independent drawing or preview window that can be moved, resized or otherwise arranged (see below). ”Window mode” is the default mode.
LayoutTab mode only. Allows the selection of the tab’s appearance (”Rounded” or ”Triangular”) and the location of the drawing windows tab (”North”, ”South”, ”East” or ”West” (top, bottom, right, or left respectively)).
ArrangeWindow mode only. Drawing windows can be ”Maximize”, ”Cascade”, ”Tiled”, ”Tiled Vertically”, ”Tiled Horizontally”
Currently opened drawingsList the current open drawing(s). The item with the checked box is the active drawing.


Menu ItemIconShort-cutDescription
OnlineDisplays links to online resources; Wiki, User’s Manual, Command, Style Sheets, Widgets, Forum and Release Information.
AboutDisplays with information about the current version of LibreCAD and web links: to the ‘’Contributors’‘, License and ‘’The Code’’ repository.
LicenseDisplays the license text (GNU General Public License version 2).
I am having trouble importing dxf drawings from LibreCAD. Lines and arcs are fine, but tangent and trimmed entities are disjointed when I import them into FreeCAD. I thought the problem was with LibreCAD, but the same dxf file imports into Inkscape without any problems.
I checked the log file and the only thing that looks odd is a single line during FreeCAD startup,Download
Init: Initializing /home/tux/FreeCAD/Mod/Idf( not found)... ignore

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I don't know if that has anything do with the dxf import problems.
I am using FreeCAD v0.12-5382 (64bit) compiled on Debian Squeeze
Attached are screenshots of the dxf in LibreCAD and when imported into FreeCAD

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